Annual Giving
Why Annual Giving Matters
Providing essential funds for innovative educational experiences, cultural and athletic initiatives, the Annual Fund affords the Foundation the flexibility to provide alternative resources to classrooms that are not covered by the district's budget. Gifts provided through the Annual Fund allow our educators the opportunity to explore new initiatives and help the Foundation respond to areas of greatest need.
Your support makes it possible for many students to access an education that otherwise would not be provided. Your gifts make a tremendous impact; the financial commitments of our donors make transformational opportunities a reality.
Each person has a unique reason for supporting DASD and wanting to ensure that each student has access to the best learning environment possible.
Every year, every gift of every size truly makes a difference.
It is more than giving back, it is fueling the future for all students. Lend your support today and become part of the living legacy for the Derry Area School District.
Did You Know?
There are over 12,000 Derry Area graduates from the last 60 years?
If 13% of those graduates donated $50 per year, the Foundation could generate nearly $78,000 annually to enhance our student's educational experience!
If donors continue that over 10 years, that is $780,000! Over 20 years, that's $1.5 million!
Annual Fund Levels of Giving
The Trojan's Spear Society $25,000
Trojan Honor Roll $10,000-$24,999
Trojan Benefactors $5,000-$9,999
Forever Blue and Golf $2,500-$4,999
Victory Gold Club $1,000-$2,499
Royal Blue Club $500-$999
Lettermen's Club $100-$499
Friends of Derry Area Up to $99